Thursday, 27 September 2012

IUPS 2013

The 37th Congress of the International Union of Physiological Sciences (IUPS 2013) will take place in Birmingham, UK next July (21st – 26th)

The IUPS is an organization which brings together physiologists from throughout the world. The unifying objective or physiologists is to increase mankind's understanding of the functions of cells, tissues, organs and organ systems of animals and humans.
The objectives of the IUPS are: to encourage the advancement of the physiological sciences; to facilitate the dissemination of knowledge in the field of physiological sciences; to promote the International Congresses of Physiological Sciences: to promote such other meetings as may be useful for the advancement of the physiological sciences; and to promote such other measures as will contribute to the development of physiological sciences in developing countries.
The IUPS publishes a journal, Physiology in cooperation with the American Physiological Society. The articles are short, up-to-date reviews of modern physiology, directed to scientists and teachers throughout the world in order to help them maintain a current knowledge of all fields of physiology.
The IUPS has eight active Scientific Commissions and seven Committees. Member societies to IUPS include 51 National Members, 14 Associate Members, 4 Regional Members and 2 Affiliated Members. It is an adhering member of the International Council for Science (ICSU), the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS) and International Council of Laboratory Animal Science (ICLAS). Adhering bodies to IUPS include 51 National Members, 9 Associate Members, 2 Affiliated Members, 3 Regional Members and 15 Special Members.

In an effort to promote physiology, encourage the interchange of ideas, and afford physiologists the opportunity to know one another personally, the first International Congress of Physiological Sciences was organized in Basle in 1889. Thereafter they were held every three years, and in 1929 an informal, self-perpetuating 'Permanent Committee' was organized to carry on this tradition which it has successfully done ever since with the only interruptions during the two world wars. 

The event offers a truly outstanding scientific programme and a lot of social events to the global scientific community.

Key dates:

·        1 September 2012:
IUPS travel award application process opens
Abstract submission opens
Registration opens
Accommodation booking opens

·        1 November 2012
IUPS travel award application process closes
Abstract submission closes (For those applying for IUPS travel awards)

·        1st two weeks of January 2013
Notification of IUPS travel awards

·        31 January 2013
Abstract submission closes
(For those not applying for IUPS travel awards and for Members of The Physiological Society)

·        28 February 2013
Early registration closes
Deadline for Members of The Physiological Society travel awards
Final registration date for IUPS Residential Teaching Workshop, Bristol, UK

·        1st two weeks of April 2013
Final notification of Society Member travel awards -
Awards will be announced each month from September 2012 (on a rolling monthly basis), so the earlier you register, submit your abstract and apply for your award, the earlier you will hear back from The Society.

·        30 June 2013
Online registration closes

·        18 – 21 July 2013
IUPS Residential Teaching Workshop, Bristol, UK (sponsored by ADInstruments)

·        20 – 21 July 2013
International Young Physiologists’ Symposium (IYPS), University of Birmingham, UK

·        21 – 26 July 2013
IUPS 2013

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