Thursday, 20 June 2013

Thermal changes in forearm skin temperature during and after a 25 minutes full blood flow occlusion (compression ischemia)

The video I am posting today refers to some of my pilot testing. At the moment I am interested in the neurophysiological bases of the perception of skin wetness. As part of my PhD I am using psychophysical methods to investigate the individual role of each sensory component (i.e. thermal and mechanical sense) involved in this complex perception (Filingeri, Redortier, Hodder, & Havenith, 2013a, 2013b; 2013c).

Indeed, the perception of skin wetness seems resulting from the intra-sensory integration of temperature and mechanical inputs. The activity of cold sensitive thermoreceptors and mechanoreceptors responding to these physical inputs is proposed as to play a fundamental role in this percept (Ackerley, Olausson, Wessberg, & McGlone, 2012). Cold and mechanical stimuli are coded by large myelinated A-nervous fibers (whereas small unmyelinated C-nervous fibers respond to warm and noxious thermal stimuli) (Campero, Serra, Bostock, & Ochoa, 2001; Davis, 1998).

In this video you can appreciate the thermal changes (in terms of skin temperature) occurring on the forearm during a 25 min full blood flow occlusion (inducing compression ischemia). This was performed at an ambient temperature of 22°C. The video has been recorded with a thermal cam (T620, FLIR, USA) which allows a very detailed infrared thermography.

Compression ischemia (e.g. as resulting from inflating a blood cuff around the arm with a supra-systolic pressure) has been shown to be an effective method to selectively block the activity of A-nervous fibers (Mackenzie, Burke, Skuse, & Lethlean, 1975). These fibers have higher metabolic demands than smaller C-fibers. During a full blood flow occlusion, these fibers will stop their conducting activity earlier than the C-fibers (Craig & Bushnell, 1994; Kandel, Schwartz, & Jessell, 2000). Thus, the selective block of specific receptors allows the investigation of the sensory inputs which the central nervous system relies on when elaborating complex sensory experiences such as skin wetness.

The key points of the video, which I would like to drive your attention to, are  the dramatic drop in the hand’ skin temperature occurring throughout the occlusion protocol, as well as the fastreperfusion occurring as soon as the occlusion is terminated and the blood is free to flush back into the forearm (jump to minute 4 to see that).

Enjoy it!

Davide Filingeri
PhD Researcher
Environmental Ergonomics Research Centre
Loughborough University, UK


Ackerley, R., Olausson, H., Wessberg, J., & McGlone, F. (2012). Wetness perception across body sites. Neuroscience letters, 522(1), 73-7. Elsevier Ireland Ltd. doi:10.1016/j.neulet.2012.06.020
Campero, M., Serra, J., Bostock, H., & Ochoa, J. L. (2001). Slowly conducting afferents activated by innocuous low temperature in human skin. The Journal of physiology, 535(Pt 3), 855-65. Retrieved from
Craig, A., & Bushnell, M. (1994). The thermal grill illusion: unmasking the burn of cold pain. Science, 148(1991). Retrieved from
Davis, K. D. (1998). Cold-induced pain and prickle in the glabrous and hairy skin. Pain, 75(1), 47-57. Retrieved from
Filingeri, D, Redortier, B., Hodder, S., & Havenith, G. (2013a). The role of decreasing contact temperatures in the perception of wetness on the skin. In J. D. Cotter, S. J. E. Lucas, & T. Mundel (Eds.), 15th International Conference on Environmental Ergonomics, 2013 (p. 174). Queenstown, New Zealand,. Retrieved from
Filingeri, D, Redortier, B., Hodder, S., & Havenith, G. (2013b). Individual ability to discriminate between wetness and dryness during short contacts with a warm surface. In J. D. Cotter, S. J. E. Lucas, & T. Mundel (Eds.), 15th International Conference on Environmental Ergonomics, 2013 (p. 180). Queenstown, New Zealand,: International Society for Environmental Ergonomics © the authors. Retrieved from
Filingeri, Davide, Redortier, B., Hodder, S. G., & Havenith, G. (2013c). The role of thermal and touch sense in the perception of skin wetness at rest and during exercise in different environments. 18th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science.
Kandel, E. R., Schwartz, J. H., & Jessell, T. M. (2000). Principles of neural sciences. USA ET - 4th: McGraw-Hill.
Mackenzie, R. a, Burke, D., Skuse, N. F., & Lethlean, a K. (1975). Fibre function and perception during cutaneous nerve block. Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry, 38(9), 865-73. Retrieved from

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